First Publication Out Now

First Publication Out Now

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Conference and Festivals

Soooo. Off the back of the Talking Bodies conference hotpencil are going to Leeds in June described as "London of the North". The conference, at the university is around the title:

Recognising Diversity? Equalities in Principle and Practice. 

Highlights for this event include Paris Lees, and Jason Elvis Barker's film 'Millenium Man' and Tom O'Tottenham and Serge Nicholson's film 'Trans Guys Are...' . We'll be reading a selection of the stories from There Is No Word For It and taking questions from the floor. We will also be selling books and generally spreading the good word. After Recognising, later in the year, we are hoping to be hitting two festivals in Northern Ireland and Slovenia. As usual, watch this space, for all relevant updates and info.

That's all for now.
More anon,
Much love,
Dr B & Serge xx

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Talking Bodies

Finally, our feet are touching the ground after returning from Chester and the Talking Bodies conference. The readings went down a storm and it was amazing to hear other work exploring identity, sexuality and representation. 

A big thanks to Dr Emma Rees for inviting us and also putting us up in the "posh" digs with Naomi Woolf. It was a very inspiring and uplifting few days. The press made contacts all over the world and are trying to get the work out to the Australian Mardi Gras in 2014. 

All systems go now and looking forward to reading and presenting @ Leeds University for the LGBT conference in June. 

Much Love, 
Laura & Serge